Methods section of a research paper
The chapter on methods describes the steps to be taken to study a research problem and the reasons for using certain procedures or techniques to identify, select, process and analyse the information used to understand the problem, so that the reader can critically assess the overall validity and reliability of a study. The methodological part of a study answers two important questions: how were the data collected or generated and how were they analysed? The writing must be direct and accurate, and must always have been written in the past.
How to write the methods section of a research paper
The structure of the APA-style "Methods" section is logically simple. First, if you want to know, how to write a methods section for a research paper of the PLA, you must describe who participated in the experiment, then what was used to carry out the experiment, and finally how the experiment was carried out. Below are examples of the content of the ABS part of the method:
In the "Participants" section you must describe the persons who took part in the survey. Depending on the topic, you will need to focus on the following criteria:
- Age
- Course
- Such as
- Education
Indicate the amount for each group. In the case of CAP, describe where or how the participants were recruited and whether or not they were paid. Do not use the term "subject". The word "participant" is preferred in CAP style.
For example, do not use the word "subject":
One hundred university students have registered for the experiment. The age category was narrow: 12 (55 students) to 13 (45 students) years. There were 33 boys and 77 girls. The participants were divided without selection criteria into two groups of 50 participants each. The experiment was conducted at the first high school in Jamestown, Georgia, USA.
In this section you should list the equipment for the ABS experiment. This includes all technical equipment used for data acquisition and analysis, including computers, tests, etc. Each psychological test usually has an inventor, so make sure you mention his name when writing the methods section.
Experimental scientific equipment may include test instruments such as microscopes, ampoules, horns, etc. Don't forget to count them and give the instruments the correct names. When performing a study, mention these criteria for proper reference to ABS:
- How respondents responded
- All sufficient dimensions of experience
- The number of questions or statements
- Interpreting the format (meaning the high and low scores)
- Reliability of materials
- Describe the process if you have made your own measure
For example:
The participants were invited to complete a survey on a five-point scale (1 = absolute no and 5 = absolute yes). Mariam-Johnson's post-dream effect test was used to measure the health effects of dreams. It reflects the sensitivity of a child's subconscious to the harmful effects of nightmares.
Here you should discuss how the data was collected in accordance with ABS rules. Make sure that someone else can repeat the experience based on your notes. In the PLA you should add as many details as possible: variables, ratios, etc. Mention the conditions under which the experiment was carried out. Mention the instructions given to the participants.
For example:
Two groups of participants were invited to take the test as quickly as possible, without thinking about the questions. They sat at individual tables in the classroom. Each question was read by the teacher. The average duration of the experiment was 15 minutes.
Methods section of a research paper example
See the example below for a better understanding of methods section of a research paper.
75 students from Loyola University in New Orleans took part in this study. Participants including 41 women and 34 men between the ages of 18 and 23. All participants in this study were Volunteers. Some participants were recruited from the group Human Psychology on a piece of paper that hangs on the psychological board and through convenient point checks.
Consent forms with information on procedures, benefits and risks were used. participation, a statement on obtaining research results, availability of advice Services, voluntary participation and contact information for researchers. The purpose of the study was also on the consent form. The additional material includes a self-assembly study (see annex). O The research focused on six demographic issues, including the GPA. The study also included a section on that the participant must state how many piercings and tattoos he has and where he has been in your body. Earrings are discarded. There was also a personality test to determine if there was any were significant differences between those with and without body modifications. This research was a Likert scale, which contains 15 pairs of adjectives. Participants were invited to participate in the according to the scale that best describes them or your preferences.
Structure and working method
The research design of this study was not experimental and was correlated because Relationship between the presence of body changes and MPA The variables in this study were the following Body modification, which can vary from no body modification to more than two bodies Changes and MPAs. When the participants arrived, they were asked to sit down and two of them said Consent forms. One must become the investigator and the other the participant. After obtaining informed consent, the researcher has provided each participant with a report of the research and declared that he may terminate participation at any time. The researcher then asked the participants to Read the instructions carefully and complete the section on demographic and physical changes at to carry out the investigation in the best possible way. After completion and presentation of the studies, the The researchers interviewed the participants and told them that the research was in fact It was asked whether there is a link between the modification of the body and the participants in the GPA. all issues and appreciated the cooperation.